Castles and Manor Houses around the World. Everyone loves castles and chateaux. Combine the romance of the age of chivalry. With the fascination of medieval warfare. Along with churches they are almost the only surviving physical reminders of the Middle Ages. Here you learn everything about them including how they were built. And what life was like living in them. You can learn about different types of Castle. About living in a castle,.
Cathars and Cathar Beliefs in the Languedoc. Who led the Crusade? Crusader Coats of Arms. Do Cathars still exist? The Cross of Toulouse. The Cathars were a religious group who appeared in Europe in the eleventh century, their origins. Something of a mystery though there is reason to believe their ideas came from Persia or the Byzantine Empire, by way of the Balkans and Northern Italy. Records from the Roman Catholic Church mention them under various names.
Languedoc, Occitanie, South of France. At the Chateau de St-Ferriol. Events at the Chateau St-Ferriol. Weddings, Christenings and Other Events. Volunteering at the Chateau St-Ferriol. Chateau cottages for vacation rental. Maison des Arcacias, St Ferriol. 149; Contact by e-mail.
Click on one of the images, or on the text in the menu below, or use the search box at the foot of the page. The History of the Languedoc. Things to See in the Languedoc. The Cathars of the Languedoc.
Interest in the mystery of Rennes-le-Château. Has a much longer history. This section is dedicated to students of the mystery and associated areas of interest including the Cathars and Catharism. Learn about the mysterious treasure discovered by Abbé Bérenger Saunière. In the South of France. Was it treasure hidden centuries earlier by the Visigoths, or by the Cathar.
The Middle Ages saw the development of new modes of warfare encompassing both pitched battles and siege warfare. Then as now the western world was engaged in an arms race. New weapons technology prompted new defensive technologies, for example the introduction of cross-bows led quickly to the adoption of plate armour rather than chain mail. To some extent the development of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment is the story of the rediscovery of ancient techniques.
Click on one of the images, or on the text in the menu below, or use the search box at the foot of the page. The History of the Languedoc. Things to See in the Languedoc. The Cathars of the Languedoc.
Late Medieval Castle in the South of France. Welcome to the Château de St-Ferriol. The Château de St-Ferriol is a Late Medieval - Early Renaissance château-fort in southern France. It is situated on a ridge, overlooking valleys to the North and South, in the heart of the village of St-Ferriol, near the towns of Quillan and Esperaza in the Aude Département and the Languedoc Région. 149; Contact by e-mail.
Welcome To The First K-Fit Video Blog! December 6, 2012. Middot; Leave a comment. Hi Everyone, I posted my very first video blog today! Check it out today. Middot; in Fitness and Nutrition. Middot; Leave a comment. What is a Girl To Do? November 8, 2012.
Bizarre Diets to Lose Weight. Half the fun of picking diets to lose weight. Is often in the part where you get to check out the crazy fad diets that no one in their right mind would actually consider. This used to be a very stubbornly persistent idea about two centuries ago in Victorian England.
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Wat leuk dat je interesse hebt om lid te worden van onze prachtige vereniging! Vrijwilliger multimedia commissie Onderhoud narrowcasting. Wij op zoek naar een vrijwilliger die zich bezig wil houden met het bijhouden en actualiseren van de informatie op. Na een periode van voorbereiding was het eindelijk zaterdag 7 januari de dag van onze.
Thursday, November 3, 2011.